House of the Dragon Season One Checklist

Key: Scarce = 100 or less, Extremely Limited = 100-200, Very Limited = 200-300, Limited = 300-500 range, Normal = over 500
[Printable Version]

50 Base Cards

Card Number Card Image Card Title
01 Base card Card number 01Base card Card number 01 The Heirs of the Dragon
02 Base card Card number 02Base card Card number 02 The Heirs of the Dragon
03 Base card Card number 03Base card Card number 03 The Heirs of the Dragon
04 Base card Card number 04Base card Card number 04 The Rogue Prince
05 Base card Card number 05Base card Card number 05 The Rogue Prince
06 Base card Card number 06Base card Card number 06 The Rogue Prince
07 Base card Card number 07Base card Card number 07 Second of His Name
08 Base card Card number 08Base card Card number 08 Second of His Name
09 Base card Card number 09Base card Card number 09 Second of His Name
10 Base card Card number 10Base card Card number 10 King of the Narrow Sea
11 Base card Card number 11Base card Card number 11 King of the Narrow Sea
12 Base card Card number 12Base card Card number 12 King of the Narrow Sea
13 Base card Card number 13Base card Card number 13 We Light the Way
14 Base card Card number 14Base card Card number 14 We Light the Way
15 Base card Card number 15Base card Card number 15 We Light the Way
16 Base card Card number 16Base card Card number 16 The Princess and the Queen
17 Base card Card number 17Base card Card number 17 The Princess and the Queen
18 Base card Card number 18Base card Card number 18 The Princess and the Queen
19 Base card Card number 19Base card Card number 19 Driftmark
20 Base card Card number 20Base card Card number 20 Driftmark
21 Base card Card number 21Base card Card number 21 Driftmark
22 Base card Card number 22Base card Card number 22 The Lord of the Tides
23 Base card Card number 23Base card Card number 23 The Lord of the Tides
24 Base card Card number 24Base card Card number 24 The Lord of the Tides
25 Base card Card number 25Base card Card number 25 The Green Council
26 Base card Card number 26Base card Card number 26 The Green Council
27 Base card Card number 27Base card Card number 27 The Green Council
28 Base card Card number 28Base card Card number 28 The Black Queen
29 Base card Card number 29Base card Card number 29 The Black Queen
30 Base card Card number 30Base card Card number 30 The Black Queen
31 Base card Card number 31Base card Card number 31 King Viserys I Targaryen
32 Base card Card number 32Base card Card number 32 Prince Daemon Targaryen
33 Base card Card number 33Base card Card number 33 Lady Alicent Hightower
34 Base card Card number 34Base card Card number 34 Oueen Alicent Hightower
35 Base card Card number 35Base card Card number 35 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
36 Base card Card number 36Base card Card number 36 Princess Rhaenyra Taragryen
37 Base card Card number 37Base card Card number 37 Ser Criston Cole
38 Base card Card number 38Base card Card number 38 Grand Maester Mellos
39 Base card Card number 39Base card Card number 39 Ser Harrold Westerling
40 Base card Card number 40Base card Card number 40 Lord Larys Strong
41 Base card Card number 41Base card Card number 41 Lord Corlys Velaryon
42 Base card Card number 42Base card Card number 42 Lord Lyman Beesbury
43 Base card Card number 43Base card Card number 43 Lord Lyonel Strong
44 Base card Card number 44Base card Card number 44 Mysaria
45 Base card Card number 45Base card Card number 45 Ser Otto Hightower
46 Base card Card number 46Base card Card number 46 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
47 Base card Card number 47Base card Card number 47 Ser Tyland Lannister
48 Base card Card number 48Base card Card number 48 Lord Jason Lannister
49 Base card Card number 49Base card Card number 49 Ser Harwin Strong
50 Base card Card number 50Base card Card number 50 Cover Card / Checklist Back

50 Gold Base Parallel (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
1-50 Gold Base Parallel

50 Red Base Parallel (Numbered to 50)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
1-50 Red Base Parallel (Numbered to 50)

50 Holo-Silver Base Parallel (Numbered to 1)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
1-50 Holo-Silver Base Parallel (Numbered to 1)

Base Set Printing Plate (4 colors per card)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
1-50 Base Set Printing Plate (4 colors per card)

7 ArtiFex Metal Character Cards (Numbered to 25)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
AF1 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF1ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF1 King Viserys I Targaryen by Dan Bergren
AF2 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF2ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF2 Prince Daemon Targaryen by Dan Bergren
AF3 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF3ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF3 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen by Jason Davies
AF4 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF4ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF4 Ser Otto Hightower by Huy Truong
AF5 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF5ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF5 Ser Harrold Westerling by Wei Ho
AF6 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF6ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF6 Lord Larys Strong by Wei Ho
AF7 ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF7ArtiFex Metal Character card  Card number AF7 Prince Daemon & Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen by David Desbois

9 Character Gallery Cards (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
CG1 Character Gallery card  Card number CG1Character Gallery card  Card number CG1 King Viserys I Targaryen
CG2 Character Gallery card  Card number CG2Character Gallery card  Card number CG2 Prince Daemon Targaryen
CG3 Character Gallery card  Card number CG3Character Gallery card  Card number CG3 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
CG4 Character Gallery card  Card number CG4Character Gallery card  Card number CG4 Queen Alicent Hightower
CG5 Character Gallery card  Card number CG5Character Gallery card  Card number CG5 Ser Otto Hightower
CG6 Character Gallery card  Card number CG6Character Gallery card  Card number CG6 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
CG7 Character Gallery card  Card number CG7Character Gallery card  Card number CG7 Lord Corlys Velaryon
CG8 Character Gallery card  Card number CG8Character Gallery card  Card number CG8 Mysaria
CG9 Character Gallery card  Card number CG9Character Gallery card  Card number CG9 Ser Criston Cole

9 Character Gallery Metal Parallel Cards (Numbered to 25)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
CG1 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG1Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG1 King Viserys I Targaryen
CG2 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG2Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG2 Prince Daemon Targaryen
CG3 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG3Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG3 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
CG4 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG4Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG4 Queen Alicent Hightower
CG5 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG5Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG5 Ser Otto Hightower
CG6 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG6Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG6 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
CG7 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG7Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG7 Lord Corlys Velaryon
CG8 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG8Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG8 Mysaria
CG9 Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG9Character Gallery Metal Parallel card  Card number CG9 Ser Criston Cole

18 Artist Rendition Cards (1:12 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
AR01 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR01Artist Rendition card  Card number AR01 Syrax by Yara Alves
AR02 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR02Artist Rendition card  Card number AR02 Vhagar by Jim Faustino
AR03 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR03Artist Rendition card  Card number AR03 Victim of the Crabfeeder by Ashley Marsh
AR04 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR04Artist Rendition card  Card number AR04 Knight of House Baratheon by Dan Bergren
AR05 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR05Artist Rendition card  Card number AR05 Red Keep by Jason Davies
AR06 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR06Artist Rendition card  Card number AR06 Painted Table by Jamison Murdock
AR07 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR07Artist Rendition card  Card number AR07 Returning of the Dragon Egg by Ashley Marsh
AR08 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR08Artist Rendition card  Card number AR08 Craghas Drahar's Mask by Irma Ahmed
AR09 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR09Artist Rendition card  Card number AR09 Knight of House Hightower by Scott Rorie
AR10 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR10Artist Rendition card  Card number AR10 Journey to Storm's End by Ashley Marsh
AR11 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR11Artist Rendition card  Card number AR11 Caraxes by Yara Alves
AR12 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR12Artist Rendition card  Card number AR12 Syrax by Jamison Murdock
AR13 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR13Artist Rendition card  Card number AR13 Iron Throne by Jay Manchand
AR14 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR14Artist Rendition card  Card number AR14 Corlys Velaryon by Scott Rorie
AR15 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR15Artist Rendition card  Card number AR15 Dragonstone by Dan Bergren
AR16 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR16Artist Rendition card  Card number AR16 Dragon Egg in Warming Brazier by Ashley Marsh
AR17 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR17Artist Rendition card  Card number AR17 White Stag by Ashley Marsh
AR18 Artist Rendition card  Card number AR18Artist Rendition card  Card number AR18 Seasmoke by Scott Rorie

18 Red Parallel Artist Rendition (Numbered to 50)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
AR1-AR18 18 Red Parallel Artist Rendition (Numbered to 50)

50 Holo-Silver Parallel Artist Rendition (Numbered to 1)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
AR1-AR18 50 Holo-Silver Parallel Artist Rendition (Numbered to 1)

Artist Rendition Printing Plates (4 colors per card)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
AR1-AR18 Artist Rendition Printing Plates (4 colors per card)

10 JJ Lendl Episode Poster Cards (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
JJ01 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ01JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ01 The Heirs of the Dragon
JJ02 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ02JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ02 The Rogue Prince
JJ03 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ03JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ03 Second of His Name
JJ04 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ04JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ04 King of the Narrow Sea
JJ05 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ05JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ05 We Light the Way
JJ06 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ06JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ06 The Princess and the Queen
JJ07 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ07JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ07 Driftmark
JJ08 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ08JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ08 The Lord of the Tides
JJ09 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ09JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ09 The Green Council
JJ10 JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ10JJ Lendl Episode Poster card  Card number JJ10 The Black Queen

10 JJ Lendl Autographed Episode Poster Cards (Numbered to 25)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
JJ01A The Heirs of the Dragon
JJ02A The Rogue Prince
JJ03A Second of His Name
JJ04A King of the Narrow Sea
JJ05A We Light the Way
JJ06A The Princess and the Queen
JJ07A Driftmark
JJ08A The Lord of the Tides
JJ09A The Green Council
JJ10A The Black Queen

9 The Dragons (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
D1 The Dragons  Card number D1The Dragons  Card number D1 Dragon
D2 The Dragons  Card number D2The Dragons  Card number D2 Dragon
D3 The Dragons  Card number D3The Dragons  Card number D3 Dragon
D4 The Dragons  Card number D4The Dragons  Card number D4 Dragon
D5 The Dragons  Card number D5The Dragons  Card number D5 Dragon
D6 The Dragons  Card number D6The Dragons  Card number D6 Dragon
D7 The Dragons  Card number D7The Dragons  Card number D7 Dragon
D8 The Dragons  Card number D8The Dragons  Card number D8 Dragon
D9 The Dragons  Card number D9The Dragons  Card number D9 Dragon

4 Poster Gallery Cards (1:288 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
PG1 Poster Gallery card  Card number PG1Poster Gallery card  Card number PG1 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
PG2 Poster Gallery card  Card number PG2Poster Gallery card  Card number PG2 Prince Daemon Targaryen
PG3 Poster Gallery card  Card number PG3Poster Gallery card  Card number PG3 Queen Alicent Hightower & Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
PG4 Poster Gallery card  Card number PG4Poster Gallery card  Card number PG4 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

12 Relationships Cards (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
R01 Relationships card  Card number R01Relationships card  Card number R01 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lady Alicent Hightower
R02 Relationships card  Card number R02Relationships card  Card number R02 Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
R03 Relationships card  Card number R03Relationships card  Card number R03 Lady Alicent Hightower and King Viserys I Targaryen
R04 Relationships card  Card number R04Relationships card  Card number R04 Prince Daemon Targaryen and Mysaria
R05 Relationships card  Card number R05Relationships card  Card number R05 Ser Otto Hightower and Lady Alicent Hightower
R06 Relationships card  Card number R06Relationships card  Card number R06 King Viserys I Targaryen and Prince Daemon Targaryen
R07 Relationships card  Card number R07Relationships card  Card number R07 Lord Larys Strong and Lady Alicent Hightower
R08 Relationships card  Card number R08Relationships card  Card number R08 King Viserys I Targaryen and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
R09 Relationships card  Card number R09Relationships card  Card number R09 Lady Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole
R10 Relationships card  Card number R10Relationships card  Card number R10 Queen Alicent Hightower and King Viserys I Targaryen
R11 Relationships card  Card number R11Relationships card  Card number R11 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower
R12 Relationships card  Card number R12Relationships card  Card number R12 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Prince Daemon Targaryen

12 Red Parallel Relationships Cards (Numbered to 50)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
R1-R13 Red Parallel Relationships Cards (Numbered to 50)

12 Holo-Silver Parallel Relationship Cards (Numbered to 1)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
R1-R13 Holo-Silver Parallel Relationship Cards (Numbered to 1)

Relationships Printing Plate Cards (4 colors per card)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
R1-R13 Relationships Printing Plate Cards (4 colors per card)

6 Fire Will Reign (1:48 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
FR1 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR1Fire Will Reign  Card number FR1 Dragon Graphic Art
FR2 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR2Fire Will Reign  Card number FR2 Dragon Graphic Art
FR3 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR3Fire Will Reign  Card number FR3 Dragon Graphic Art
FR4 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR4Fire Will Reign  Card number FR4 Dragon Graphic Art
FR5 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR5Fire Will Reign  Card number FR5 Dragon Graphic Art
FR6 Fire Will Reign  Card number FR6Fire Will Reign  Card number FR6 Dragon Graphic Art

9 House Rivals (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
HR1 House Rivals  Card number HR1House Rivals  Card number HR1 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR2 House Rivals  Card number HR2House Rivals  Card number HR2 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR3 House Rivals  Card number HR3House Rivals  Card number HR3 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR4 House Rivals  Card number HR4House Rivals  Card number HR4 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR5 House Rivals  Card number HR5House Rivals  Card number HR5 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR6 House Rivals  Card number HR6House Rivals  Card number HR6 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR7 House Rivals  Card number HR7House Rivals  Card number HR7 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR8 House Rivals  Card number HR8House Rivals  Card number HR8 House Sigil Graphic Art
HR9 House Rivals  Card number HR9House Rivals  Card number HR9 House Sigil Graphic Art

10 Locations of the Realm (1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
L01 Locations of the Realm   Card number L01Locations of the Realm   Card number L01 King's Landing
L02 Locations of the Realm   Card number L02Locations of the Realm   Card number L02 The Arena
L03 Locations of the Realm   Card number L03Locations of the Realm   Card number L03 The Stepstones
L04 Locations of the Realm   Card number L04Locations of the Realm   Card number L04 Driftmark
L05 Locations of the Realm   Card number L05Locations of the Realm   Card number L05 The Narrow Sea
L06 Locations of the Realm   Card number L06Locations of the Realm   Card number L06 The Dragonpit
L07 Locations of the Realm   Card number L07Locations of the Realm   Card number L07 Storm's End
L08 Locations of the Realm   Card number L08Locations of the Realm   Card number L08 The Kingswood
L09 Locations of the Realm   Card number L09Locations of the Realm   Card number L09 Dragonstone
L10 Locations of the Realm   Card number L10Locations of the Realm   Card number L10 The Red Keep

Locations of the Realm Printing Plate Cards (4 different colors per card)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
L1-L10 Locations of the Realm Printing Plate Cards (4 different colors per card)

5 Dual Autograph Cards (Overall odds of any autographs 1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
Emily Carey Dual Autograph card Emily Carey Dual Autograph card Emily Carey and Milly Alcock (Dual) (Scarce)
Fabian Frankel Dual Autograph card Fabian Frankel Dual Autograph card Fabian Frankel and Milly Alcock (Dual) (Scarce)
Matt Smith Dual Autograph card Matt Smith Dual Autograph card Matt Smith and Milly Alcock (Dual) (Scarce)
Paddy Considine Dual Autograph card Paddy Considine Dual Autograph card Paddy Considine and Olivia Cooke (Dual) (Scarce)
Paddy Considine Dual Autograph card Paddy Considine Dual Autograph card Paddy Considine and Milly Alcock (Dual) (Scarce)

52 Autograph Cards (Overall odds of any autographs 1:24 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
Bill Paterson Autograph card Bill Paterson Autograph card Bill Paterson as Lord Lyman Beesbury (Full Bleed) (Limited)
Bill Paterson as Lord Lyman Beesbury (Metal) (Scarce)
David Horovitch Autograph card David Horovitch Autograph card David Horovitch as Grand Maester Mellos (Full Bleed) (Limited)
David Horovitch as Grand Maester Mellos (Metal) (Scarce)
Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Bordered) (Scarce)
Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "The Green Queen") Quantity Range: 1-10
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "Mother of Prince Aegon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "Daughter of Ser Otto") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "Alicent Hightower") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey Autograph card Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "Married to the King") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "House Hightower") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Inscription - "House of the Dragon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower/Queen Alicent Hightower (Metal) (Scarce)
Emma D'Arcy Autograph card Emma D'Arcy Autograph card Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyera Targaryen (Bordered) (Extremely Limited)
Emma D'Arcy Autograph card Emma D'Arcy Autograph card Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyera Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Very Limited)
Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best as Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best as Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Bordered) (Extremely Limited)
Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best as Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best Autograph card Eve Best as Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Fabian Frankel Autograph card Fabian Frankel Autograph card Fabian Frankel as Ser Criston Cole (Bordered) (Extremely Limited)
Fabian Frankel Autograph card Fabian Frankel Autograph card Fabian Frankel as Ser Criston Cole (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Full Bleed) (Very Limited)
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Hand of the King") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Lord of Harrenhall") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Master of Laws") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Lord Lyonel Strong") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "House of the Dragon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Loyal to King Viserys") Quantity Range: 11-25
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "People have eyes boy") Quantity Range: 1-10
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Don't play the fool with me boy") Quantity Range: 1
Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes Autograph card Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "Whan I had heir!") Quantity Range: 1
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Inscription - "From The Ashes") Quantity Range: 1
Gavin Spokes as Lord Lyonel Strong (Metal) (Scarce)
Graham McTavish Autograph card Graham McTavish Autograph card Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Bordered) (Very Limited)
Graham McTavish Autograph card Graham McTavish Autograph card Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Full Bleed) (Very Limited)
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - House of the Dragon) Quantity Range: 11-25
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - House of the Dragon with DRAGON DRAWINGS) Quantity Range: 1-10
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - House Westerling) Quantity Range: 11-25
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - Lord Commander of the Kingsguard) Quantity Range: 11-25
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - I serve the King) Quantity Range: 11-25
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - Ser Harold Westerling) Quantity Range: 11-25
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - Honor) Quantity Range: 26-50
Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling (Inscription - Loyalty) Quantity Range: 26-50
Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall as Lord Jason Lannister (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall as Ser Tyland Lannister (Full Bleed) (Limited)
Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall Autograph card Jefferson Hall as Lord Jason Lannister (Full Bleed) (Limited)
Matt Smith Autograph card Matt Smith Autograph card Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen (Bordered) (Extremely Limited)
Matt Smith Autograph card Matt Smith Autograph card Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Matthew Needham Autograph card Matthew Needham Autograph card Matthew Needham as Lord Larys Strong (Bordered) (Limited)
Matthew Needham Autograph card Matthew Needham Autograph card Matthew Needham as Lord Larys Strong (Full Bleed) (Limited)
Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Bordered) (Scarce)
Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Scarce)
Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Scarce)
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "I never jest about cake") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "I have no desire to live in fear") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "House Targaryen") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "I'd rather serve as a knight") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "Queen Rhaenyra") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "House of the Dragon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "Rhaenyra Targaryen") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock Autograph card Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Inscription - "The Black Queen") Quantity Range: 11-25
Milly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Metal) (Scarce)
Olivia Cooke Autograph card Olivia Cooke Autograph card Olivia Cooke as Queen Alicent Hightower (Bordered) (Extremely Limited)
Olivia Cooke Autograph card Olivia Cooke Autograph card Olivia Cooke as Queen Alicent Hightower (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Bordered) (Scarce)
Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Extremely Limited)
Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Full Bleed) (Scarce)
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "I am your King!") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "King Viserys") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "House of the Dragon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "Viserys the Peaceful") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "Protector of the Realm") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "I will sit the throne today") Quantity Range: 11-25
Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine Autograph card Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "Viserys I Targaryen") Quantity Range: 1-10
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "HOTD") Quantity Range: 1-10
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Inscription - "My Love") Quantity Range: 1
Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen (Metal) (Scarce)
Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Bordered) (Limited)
Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Full Bleed) (Limited)
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "you have your honor and I have mine") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "you have your honor, I have mine") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Break Bones") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "House Strong") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "House Strong!") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Burned to Death") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Ser Harwin Strong") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "House of the Dragon") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - House of the Dragon (with Smiley face) ) Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Ser Harwin" (with an arrow pointing to the word Strong)") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Say it again") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Say it again!") Quantity Range: 1-10
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Lord commander of the city watch") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Strongest man in the seven kingdoms") Quantity Range: 11-25
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Strongest man in the 7 kingdoms") Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Hi! With smile face") Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr Autograph card Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "Let usÂ… Eat lettuce") Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "nice rabbit!") Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Inscription - "G'day!") Quantity Range: 1
Ryan Corr as Ser Harwin Strong (Metal) (Scarce)
Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno as Mysaria (Auto/Relic) (Scarce)
Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno as Mysaria (Bordered) (Very Limited)
Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno Autograph card Sonoya Mizuno as Mysaria (Full Bleed) (Very Limited)

23 Sketch Cards (1:576 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
Adam and Rebekah Cleveland
Ashleigh Popplewell
Ashley Marsh
Charles Hall
Connie Faye
Dan Bergren
Dan Gorman
David Desbois
Gabe Farber
Huy Truong
Irma Ahmed
Jamison Murdock
Jason Davies
Jay Manchand
Jomar Bulda
Lee Lightfoot
Marcia Dye
Norman Jim Faustino
Sara Manzoni
Scott Rorie
Wei Ho
Westley Smith
Yara Alves

65 Relic Cards (1:12 packs)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
DRC01 Relic card  Card number DRC01Relic card  Card number DRC01 Lady Alicent Hightower and King Viserys I Targaryen
DRC02 Relic card  Card number DRC02Relic card  Card number DRC02 Lord Jason Lannister and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
DRC03 Relic card  Card number DRC03Relic card  Card number DRC03 Lady Alicent Hightower and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
DRC04 Relic card  Card number DRC04Relic card  Card number DRC04 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lady Alicent Hightower (Numbered to 30)
DRC05 Relic card  Card number DRC05Relic card  Card number DRC05 Prince Daemon Targaryen and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
DRC06 Relic card  Card number DRC06Relic card  Card number DRC06 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Criston Cole
DRC07 Relic card  Card number DRC07Relic card  Card number DRC07 Queen Alicent Hightower and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
DRC08 Relic card  Card number DRC08Relic card  Card number DRC08 Prince Daemon Targaryen and Mysaria
DRC09 Relic card  Card number DRC09Relic card  Card number DRC09 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower
DRC10 Relic card  Card number DRC10Relic card  Card number DRC10 Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
DRC11 Relic card  Card number DRC11Relic card  Card number DRC11 Queen Alicent Hightower and Ser Otto Hightower
DRC12 Relic card  Card number DRC12Relic card  Card number DRC12 Prince Daemon Targaryen and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Numbered to 30)
DRC13 Relic card  Card number DRC13Relic card  Card number DRC13 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Criston Cole
RC01 Relic card  Card number RC01Relic card  Card number RC01 King Viserys I Targaryen
RC02 Relic card  Card number RC02Relic card  Card number RC02 King Viserys I Targaryen
RC03 Relic card  Card number RC03Relic card  Card number RC03 King Viserys I Targaryen
RC04 Relic card  Card number RC04Relic card  Card number RC04 King Viserys I Targaryen (Numbered to 50)
RC05 Relic card  Card number RC05Relic card  Card number RC05 King Viserys I Targaryen
RC06 Relic card  Card number RC06Relic card  Card number RC06 Lady Alicent Hightower
RC07 Relic card  Card number RC07Relic card  Card number RC07 Lady Alicent Hightower
RC08 Relic card  Card number RC08Relic card  Card number RC08 Lady Alicent Hightower
RC09 Relic card  Card number RC09Relic card  Card number RC09 Lady Alicent Hightower
RC10 Relic card  Card number RC10Relic card  Card number RC10 Lady Alicent Hightower (Numbered to 50)
RC11 Relic card  Card number RC11Relic card  Card number RC11 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC12 Relic card  Card number RC12Relic card  Card number RC12 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC13 Relic card  Card number RC13Relic card  Card number RC13 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC14 Relic card  Card number RC14Relic card  Card number RC14 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Numbered to 50)
RC15 Relic card  Card number RC15Relic card  Card number RC15 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC16 Relic card  Card number RC16Relic card  Card number RC16 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC17 Relic card  Card number RC17Relic card  Card number RC17 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC18 Relic card  Card number RC18Relic card  Card number RC18 Lord Lyonel Strong
RC19 Relic card  Card number RC19Relic card  Card number RC19 Lord Lyonel Strong
RC20 Relic card  Card number RC20Relic card  Card number RC20 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC21 Relic card  Card number RC21Relic card  Card number RC21 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC22 Relic card  Card number RC22Relic card  Card number RC22 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Numbered to 50)
RC23 Relic card  Card number RC23Relic card  Card number RC23 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC24 Relic card  Card number RC24Relic card  Card number RC24 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC25 Relic card  Card number RC25Relic card  Card number RC25 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC26 Relic card  Card number RC26Relic card  Card number RC26 Mysaria
RC27 Relic card  Card number RC27Relic card  Card number RC27 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
RC28 Relic card  Card number RC28Relic card  Card number RC28 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
RC29 Relic card  Card number RC29Relic card  Card number RC29 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
RC30 Relic card  Card number RC30Relic card  Card number RC30 Queen Alicent Hightower
RC31 Relic card  Card number RC31Relic card  Card number RC31 Queen Alicent Hightower
RC32 Relic card  Card number RC32Relic card  Card number RC32 Queen Alicent Hightower
RC33 Relic card  Card number RC33Relic card  Card number RC33 Queen Alicent Hightower (Numbered to 50)
RC34 Relic card  Card number RC34Relic card  Card number RC34 Prince Daemon Targaryen
RC35 Relic card  Card number RC35Relic card  Card number RC35 Prince Daemon Targaryen (Numbered to 50)
RC36 Relic card  Card number RC36Relic card  Card number RC36 Prince Daemon Targaryen
RC37 Relic card  Card number RC37Relic card  Card number RC37 Prince Daemon Targaryen
RC38 Relic card  Card number RC38Relic card  Card number RC38 Prince Daemon Targaryen
RC39 Relic card  Card number RC39Relic card  Card number RC39 Lord Corlys Velaryon
RC40 Relic card  Card number RC40Relic card  Card number RC40 Lord Corlys Velaryon
RC41 Relic card  Card number RC41Relic card  Card number RC41 Lord Corlys Velaryon
RC42 Relic card  Card number RC42Relic card  Card number RC42 Ser Otto Hightower
RC43 Relic card  Card number RC43Relic card  Card number RC43 Ser Otto Hightower
RC44 Relic card  Card number RC44Relic card  Card number RC44 Lord Jason Lannister
RC45 Relic card  Card number RC45Relic card  Card number RC45 Ser Criston Cole
RC46 Relic card  Card number RC46Relic card  Card number RC46 Ser Criston Cole
RC47 Relic card  Card number RC47Relic card  Card number RC47 King Viserys I Targaryen
RC48 Relic card  Card number RC48Relic card  Card number RC48 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC49 Relic card  Card number RC49Relic card  Card number RC49 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
RC50 Relic card  Card number RC50Relic card  Card number RC50 Prince Daemon Targaryen
RC51 Relic card  Card number RC51Relic card  Card number RC51 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
TRC1 Relic card  Card number TRC1Relic card  Card number TRC1 Ser Otto Hightower, Queen Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole (Numbered to 75)

3 House Motto Case Toppers (1 per case)

Card Number Card Image Card Title
CT1 House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT1House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT1 Fire and Blood
CT2 House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT2House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT2 Light The Way
CT3 House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT3House Motto Case Toppers  Card number CT3 The Old, The True, The Brave

Rittenhouse Rewards Card

Card Number Card Image Card Title
R13 Rittenhouse Rewards Card Card number R13Rittenhouse Rewards Card Card number R13 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower

3 Promo Cards

Card Number Card Image Card Title
P1 Promo card Card number P1Promo card Card number P1 General Distribution
P2 Promo card Card number P2Promo card Card number P2 Social Media
P3 Promo card Card number P3Promo card Card number P3 Album Exclusive
Checklist subject to change without notice.
Insertion rates represent an average across the entire production run.
There are no guarantees within any individual box or case.